rodinná včelí farma v srdci Krkonoš

Včely do přírody neodmyslitelně patří.

Zásluhou mojí ženy se nám povedlo navázat na téměř 40-ti letou tradici chovu včel v Krkonoších mým dědou. Včelky se tak před několika lety vrátily zpět “domů”.


Včelí produkty se od nepaměti používaly také k léčebným účelům.


Náš med pochází z luk a lesů národního parku. Právě lokalita je tím nejvyšším garantem jeho nadstadardní kvality.


Krkonošská příroda nám nabízí mnoho květů a plodů, které zpracováváme jako ovocné šťávy či marmelády.

Naše včely se nám staly inspirací.


Highlighted Features

make your work easier and faster!

All Ready Designs Pro

Get unlimited access to all current and upcoming designs when using Rife Pro Theme

Revolution Slider Pro

Responsive WordPress Slider Plugin that displays your content in a beautiful way!

Premium Support Pro

Whenever you struggle with anything regarding Rife Pro, just hit us on support forum.

Live Customizer

WordPress "Live Customizer" will help you see the changes made on your website.

WooCommerce Ready

WooCommerce is now the most popular eCommerce platform on the WordPress.


Rife is compatible with Yoast SEO plugin. Use Yoast plugin to maximize your SEO game.

Menu Effects Pro

Use one of the several cool menu effects to spice up your next great website.

All Header Variants Pro

Vertical & Horizontal (Classic, Full Width, Menu Below, Centered) at your fingertips.

One Page Mode

Need great looking landing page? Use OnePage mode and create a stunning parallax site.

Co se u nás děje

zde s námi můžete strávit některé chvíle

Opět nastal náročný, ale krásný čas stáčení medu. Jako vždy…

Čtěte více

Allure availability skirt artificial extra ordinary jewelry. Modification petticoat jersey…

Čtěte více

Leverage commercial frameworks to provide availability robust synopsis for trend…

Čtěte více


nejdůležitější informace

Basic Plan

Billed per Year

14 Days Free Trial
All Features Included
All Designs Included
Premium Support
Unlimited Sites
Auto Updates

Pro Plan

Billed per Year

14 Days Free Trial
All Features Included
All Designs Included
Premium Support
Unlimited Sites
Auto Updates

Ultimate Plan

Billed per Year

14 Days Free Trial
All Features Included
All Designs Included
Premium Support
Unlimited Sites
Auto Updates

"Co neprospívá roji, neprospívá také včele"

Marcus Aurelius

co se u nás děje

We make web better place!

stáčení medu

když se vše lepí

už kladou

chov matek

Paper Cup Soft Drinks

Red One With Strav

Label Tags

Choose One

Contact Us

Our design studio is a an open creative iniciatives where most people can work on their projects. It is fully accessible for everyone who need creative space. Get in touch with us and know more about our work.


459 Broadway
New York, NY 1233
P: +31 323-4355


145 Oak Street
London, LN 233
P: +23 345-7789


What Clients Say

Very best opinions

"I would also like to say thank you to all your staff. Rife WP Theme has completely fulfill our expectations."
Dana Bailey
"I don't always clop, but when I do, it's because of Rife. Thank you so much for your help. I use Rife often."
David Larsen
"I would gladly pay over 600 dollars for Rife. Rife was worth a fortune to my company. Rife is the great webtool."
Mary Wells

Důležité je nikdy nezapomenout

High quality WordPress Theme at your fingertips. Create your website in no time. Don't waste your time!